It pains me to see you behave like this almost everyday,
I told myself to just let you be so you'll learn but somehow you just seemed to can't snap out of it
What can I do? I wish I could do something for you.
I want to give you my love and affection, let you know I'm there for you.
But they are only temporary reliefs...
At the end of the day, you will still want him to treat you the way you've hoped for so so many years
I wish you could see what I see,
that he's never gonna change. He will never love you.
I wish you could see - he's only staying because he needs you to feed him, clothe him, and pay for his holidays and funs.
There's nothing I can do, I feel so helpless, angry and just disappointed.
I tried not giving a fuck but I can't because you are the most important person to me in this world.
I just want you to be happy :'(