Life's been busy, messy, but great :)
Let's just let the pictures do the talking!
I miss this fat kitty! Her soft purrs and cute little acts. meow!
Random camwhore. Wearing Max Pure Pink lenses from!
Addicted to all these lenses, just purchased another 3 pairs (Brown, Violet, Blue) on top of my old ones I had (Brown, 2 greys, pink - the one I'm wearing in the above pic)
BAD FOR EYES but I'm so vain!
Cutie Cherryl :)) She IS SOOO ADORABLE! Carol brought her to town to meet us (Me, Xiaobai, Wei) quite some time back. Had alot of fun with her. She's always giggling and making so many funny acts.. But so tiring to take care of a child :( KUDOS TO CAROL! And all the moms in the world!
Tried braiding my hair, kind of failed. Cause of my frizzy hair.. I want to do a rebond but I don't want it to be too flat! Zzzzzz decisions decisions...
I LOVE THIS PHOTO! My bitches watching Noah Yap's video in my room.
It's not about his video that I loved.
Story goes like this:
The night before, I saw some really unpleasant stuff (to me, that is. But it's a good thing for him)about my ex on facebook and I was very heartbroken. I cried my night away. And the very next day, it was a Sunday, and one year ago (I can't say EXACTLY one year ago because it's not THAT accurate). But on that particular Sunday one year ago, was the day he left me a letter through his brother and decided to break up with me (long story, and one which I never want to mention and go through again). I don't know why, when I was walking home after tuition in the morning, my mind just kept having the flashbacks on that day. The time, what I was doing, when I read the letter etc...
So I did some stupid acts, dug the letter and everything he gave me, which I kept in a box, and bawled like a baby on the floor. I know I shouldn't do it cause it's gonna hurt.
BUT I guess I did that because I want to put an end to this whole thing.
An end to the suffering I had for the past one year thinking about us.
Since I believe he's found someone new (I wouldn't say NEW because he once liked the girl alot before we met), and just nice it's been a year and I've been avoiding to face the reality like some retard.
So on that day I just decided that I'll allow myself to cry for him like this for the last time and just get over with it.
Alright, that's not THE point about the photo. LOL
The thing is, after I cried, I twitted cause I needed to vent (seemed like crying is not enough for me)
Just nice on that day, they were watching a movie at town, and I couldn't join because of this STUPIAK reason, so I gave the outing a miss and just slept my afternoon away after mourning for this dead love whahahahaha.
And at night, I was using my lappy when suddenly my dad came in and told me a friend's outside my house.
I'm like (O_O) who could it be!
Ended up I saw them outside my house with my favourite Gongcha and they came to cheer me up :)
I was SO touched! They are always there when I meet bastard guys. They've seen all the ugly side of me- when I cry and after I cry with super ugly swollen eyes.
I love them so much :D
Met up with C4 at Vivo before heading to Powerhouse with Yiru! We've grown so much :D
12 years of friendship FTW! v(^_^)v
Celebrated Winson's birthday at Planet Paradise. I had abit of hangover (from Powerhouse the night before) still when I went there so I cheated my night away and only drank coke :D
I thought we couldn't finish the bottle but Aaron invited some Thai girls over and WOOHOO!!! Whole bottle gone in 30 minutes.
Throughout the 30 minutes I was outside the pub to avoid having the liquor in my face.
The girls are crazy and Winson was quite gone that night.
Me before going to work @ South-Asia. I'm gonna miss wearing teeshirts to work everyday :(
My last day at South-Asia. Loads of pics. Will talk abit more on this!
My first USS trip! Awesome day. Can I say it's like one of the happiest day as far as I can remember?!
rainbow flowers sent to me at the doorstep (was too rush didn't take proper pic, ended up when I had the time, they wilted already :( !!!!!), breakfast with mommy, took the Transformers Ride (DAMN AWESOME!),
and had the Battlestar Galactica ride 3 times at the
Cylon! He almost vomitted, but THANK YOU for still going on the ride with me even though your face turned so green at the 3rd time LOL!
Bought me the Bumble Bee water bottle (Bloody daylight robbery, $28.80 for one bottle WTH, it was impulse buy, really. Because after we took the Transformers ride I was damn high and when I saw the bottle I wanted it straight away :p)
& bought me GINGY!!!!!!!!!!! Always wanted it when I know USS was selling it and finally I got it! :D
After everything, walked back to Vivocity via a super romantic walkway (actually we just don't wanna queue for the tram LOL),
and had a belated Mother's Day dinner with my family.
Went home, bathed and slept straight away. Couldn't stop smiling for the entire day.
I'm a happy girl :)))
Alright, one week of break IS REALLY NOT ENOUGH!
I'm suppose to pack my room but my room's is still as messy as ever.
I planned to study for my exams during this break too, but HAHA fat hope -_-
I'm such a lazy girl.
Tomorrow's the new start of my job. BAHHH no more holidays for me.
Time to work like a cow again.
Alright stop blogging here.
Tired and need to prepare for my new job tomorrow.
Bless me