Friday, November 9, 2012

Para Para Paradise

Nope when I say "Para Para Paradise", it's not part of the song by Coldplay-Paradise where the chorus goes 'Dreaming para-para-paradise~~"
I'm talking about the once-super-hot arcade game by Japan, Para Para Paradise!

Was at Marina Square with boyfriend a few days back when we headed down to their arcade to take a look, we were looking for any shooting games that we know how to play. But when we reached there, I found SO many games that I used to play when I was between Pri 6-Sec2, those days where I would spend ALL my money on them and even stole my mom's :X

They had Puzzle Fighter, Street Fighter (those first version kind I think), King Of Fighter 97', King of Fighter 02' and all the games I played during those days, and that was around 10 years ago! My goodness I feel like damn old. Will upload the pics of those games next time :D

Anyway we also saw the ParaParaParadise! They had the Japan version, which is those eurobeat songs, and even Korean ones where they had H.O.T and S.E.S' songs! The korean ones are damn hard to find in Singapore last time and I always go to the Funland in Clementi (became City Vibe now) and there's always a lot of youngsters who dance really nicely (that time) like street-dancing kind, instead of following the choreograph.
It was cool during those days but that day there was a guy (with those kind of bleached hair I see 10 years ago) dancing to it and he was dancing the 'street-dance' kind people use to dance 10 years ago!
It was so damn cool last time, but I couldn't help it and laughed at him for looking so silly and old-fashioned now :p

It was SO damn popular when I was Primary 6 - Secondary 2, that people would actually queue up in front of the machine to wait for their turn to put the token into the machine and showcase their dance. My primary school friend even danced this during Teacher's day celebration, everyone thought it was JUST SO COOL.
And of course, they start merchandising and came up with VCDs (DVDs very expensive that time), where a few Gyarus will stand on screen and when the music plays they start waving their hands around, like they are playing at the machine.

So I managed to convince my dad to buy one VCD for me. And being a shy girl I am, I never danced the choreographed one in arcade but just do it at home. I would play the VCD and dance all the songs that were inside, following the Gyarus. And I would sweat like a pig! Really good exercise, like aerobics I would say :D My mom even said I lost weight when I danced to that VCD everyday during the period of time, but gained it back after I stopped zzz.

Sadly, when I moved house 2 years ago, I threw the VCD away, thinking I won't need it anymore (I lost weight that time by eating Meal replacement), but I regret now cause I'm into exercising and thought this would be a great disc for me to workout at home when it's too late to jog outside! Also to reminisce all the memories I had when I was a teen...

Only manage to find this video (mirrored version some more -__-) on Youtube, quality sucks but listening and watching them dance just make me cringe and smile at the same time :D

My favorite is always the "Velfare 2000"!

Till then! Back to work :D

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