Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Everyday's a learning journey.

Recently I've been learning how to better control my emotions and not just say whatever I want in the heat of anger, wanting to talk back, making myself feel better.

But why do some people just have to be such assholes, serious bitches?

On one hand I'm learning to control myself, on the other I'm just letting people step all over me thinking and I am allowing people to hurt me constantly.

I can't seem to bring myself to give them a good comeback and can't seem to make myself not get hurt with their stupid remarks.

There's a balance for everything.
I'm always on extreme ends........

Still, got to learn.

Monday, June 9, 2014

I cannot take it anymore.

So gonna go for hair straightening at Junie's soon,
after I get my thyroid hormones level right.

This broom hair is pissing me off &%^@&^%@