Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Hello.. Haven't been updating. Was using my brother's computer to update my Singpass thingy and decided to blog abit.

Exams next Friday, followed by Bernice's wedding on Saturday.
Then following week will be my brother's wedding.

My period is coming, pimples are exploding on my face (doesn't help when I wear my full-face everyday)

Getting fat (I'm at my heaviest in my whole life now, basically old clothes don't fit anymore and yes I'm pretty depressed about it!) and broke.

Bought my bike on 17 April 2016.

Finances ain't good. Tuition stopped cause my kid moved, went Korea in January and spent $3k,
then bought my bike (had to loan quite some money from a friend) at $7,300. Then my gym membership expired and I renewed it at $2,700.

So I'm in a pretty bad financial status right now.

When exams are over, I'll start looking for delivery jobs though I already have one pending which I hope will work out after the training is done.

Practically I wiped my savings and I'm in debt now. HAHA wtf.

It's okay peiyi, just need to find other sources :3

For now, I need to mug.

Sigh-pie. Bye world. I need to work on myself