Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thank you

I am a pretty reserved person when it comes to thanking someone, I don't know how to express enough how much I am thankful for what he/she did.

So just let me write this post, though I know he won't read it.

Thank you,
for the company today.
Knowing I was really down and needed a person to talk to, even though you're so busy and tired from your work and business and everything.

For watching 'Internship' with me when you've already watched it (and only telling me after the show ended).

For making me comfortable with telling you my secrets and I know it's safe with you.

For leaving work early and rushing down just to catch the 7pm show, cause I don't wanna catch the show at 8.40.

For listening attentively to my rantings and giving me solutions, encouraging me and motivate me, helping me climb out of that dark pit I was in for the past 2 days, wallowing in self pity. Thank you for pulling me out.

You can be a real mean bitch sometimes but you are truthful and you showed me you cared.

I really don't know how to show my gratitude to you. The most I can do, is to be there for you if you ever needed me, ever. 

Thank you, for everything.
Glad we met and I really didn't expect a friendship to come out from this, considering how we met each other.

I am sure God made me meet you, for a reason, and this is the reason.

Thank you my friend :)


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