Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dig Deeper


 Look like an insane woman after Insanity. It's so hard to push that play button everytime, but am always glad and proud of myself after completing it and sweating it out. Thus a photo everytime to motivate myself so whenever I don't feel like working out I'll just look at them.

But I totally believe right now, exercise is not a problem for me. I've been through the 'Really don't feel like doing it' phase and now I have a big hurdle to cross - Diet.

Got to stop looking at potato chips during movies, stop reaching out for that digestive biscuits in the office, stop myself from ordering Sodas and get only Oolong teas if I want a cold drink in the coffeeshop. Stop eating a whole plate of rice/noodle/pasta. Stop putting so much Peanut butter and Jam on my wholemeal bread. Start loving Greek Yogurt and Oats. Start loving all the funny greens.

Start loving squats too.
In the past I really really hate them. Squats are tiring, they are sore. And if done incorrectly, they hurt my back. But I've been reading articles and listening for advices, and I conclude that squats will help me cut my legs abit better, and I will not BULK up like a man.

Start loving weights!
After being through so many cardio workouts - Running, Swimming, Cardio kickboxing, and of course, Insanity. I have to admit my tummy/waist had lost quite abit of inches and I'm seeing faint abs lines when I flex it (though still covered by a lump of fat which jumps when I jog), but my triceps are still so flimsy. I do have abit of biceps showing but the triceps is making my arms looking fat. So I think I'm going to get some small dumbbells and do more triceps exercise!

I'm a lazy person and I am very systematic. I need to come up with a plan (Reps and Sets) so I can follow through. If not I'll just maybe do like 5 reps for each set and only 1 set for the day LOL.

Time to research and dig deeper (Slogan from Insanity LOL), I've seen results but I need to push harder and find new routines because I'm at the plateau already.

I'm thinking of Gym, but I need a gym buddy! :(

Thank you Xiaobai for sending me this - Need it more than anything.
I love my Mom, Bro and friends :)

It's okay for you to delete me from Facebook and Twitter. You're not the first one anyway. This just proved how a person handle situations differently.

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